
Showing posts from December, 2018

Recap of Running a 40k League and Tournament, and Plans for the Future

For most of this past year, from early March until its conclusion on the 1st of December, I have been running a 40k ladder campaign at The Outpost in Sheffield. The rules for this ladder campaign were taken from pages 117-118 of Chapter Approved 2017. The system is very simple. Players get added to the ladder as they play their first games. A win causes the winning player to swap places with their opponent if they are below them in the ladder, or to move up one space if they are above them. A draw leaves players where they are. That's it! The ladder would function perfectly well as just a list of names, but I decided that to give it a bit more of a proper league feel I'd include win, loss, and draw records for the players, as well as statistics for current and best winning streaks. This is how the ladder looked at close of play at the end of November: Overall I think it went pretty well. I was pleased with the inclusion of win, loss and draw, as well as th